
Sunday Evening

Peter: An Apostle of Suffering Part 2

Pastor Ben Heffernan - 05/12/2024
Mothers Day

One Needful Thing Luke 10:38-42

Pastor Ben Heffernan - 05/12/2024

Wednesday Evening

Pastor Ben Heffernan - 05/8/2024
Sunday School

World Missions with Pastor Tom Burch

Pastor Tom Burch - 05/5/2024

The Ten Commandments: Introduction Deut. 5:1-6

Pastor Ben Heffernan - 05/5/2024
Sunday School

Sunday School. How to you are positioned to be in the will of God. Romans 12:1-2

Pastor Larry Karsies - 04/28/2024
Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning. Any prosperity only comes by being immersed in the word of God.

Pastor Larry Karsies - 04/28/2024
Sunday Evening

Sunday Evening. The imminency of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Larry Karsies - 04/28/2024
Sunday Morning

The Lord He is Good

Pastor Ben Heffernan - 04/21/2024
Romans (16 week chapter study)

Romans Submitting to Our Authorities

Pastor Ben Heffernan - 04/21/2024