Church Staff


 Ben Heffernan grew up in a pastor’s home in Wichita, Kansas. He placed his faith in Jesus Christ to be his Savior   from sin and death at the early age of 6, and sensed God’s call upon his life for full-time Christian service shortly   thereafter. He attended Bob Jones University for theological education as he sought God’s will and completed a   B.A. in Bible, an M.A. in Theology, and a Ph.D. in Theological Studies. It was at BJU that Ben met his beautiful   bride, Elizabeth Schaefer. They were married in May, 2008, and God has blessed their union with 10 children:   Samuel, Isaiah, Tirzah, Jeremiah, Hadessah, Anna, Lydia, Daniel, Elisha and Keziah. While attending   seminary, Pastor Ben   served at Faith Baptist Church in Linville, North Carolina for 8 years as an assistant pastor.   In 2016, God directed   Ben’s heart toward pastoral ministry and led him to Bethel Community Baptist Church   where he joyfully serves.   He enjoys the teaching and preaching of the Word, playing with his children,
 participating in the church youth  group, playing and teaching piano,   following and playing any sport, and all things that involve competition. “I am   thrilled to be serving in a church that has strong, humble, lay leadership, and   loves each other like a tight-knit   family!”

       –Pastor Ben Heffernan